
2022-04-28 17:52    来源:留学在线       阅读量:33


* Physical Chemistry, P W Atkins, Oxford University Press (8th edn.) 2006, [7th edn. 2001]

* Inorganic Chemistry, Shriver and Atkins, Oxford University Press (4th edn) 2006, (previous edn., 1999] Chemistry of the Elements, Greenwood & Earnshaw, Pergamon (2nd edn.), 1997 [1st edn. 1985] Foundations of Organic Chemistry, Hornby & Peach, Oxford Chemistry Primer, OUP, 1996

* A Guide to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, Sykes, Pearson (6th edn.),1986 Organic Chemistry, Maitland, Jones, Norton, (3rd edn.) 2004

* Mathematical Methods for Science Students, G. Stephenson, Pearson (2nd edn.) 1978, rep. 1984 Organic Chemistry, Clayden, Greeves, Warren and Wothers, OUP

*especially useful

You may wish to purchase some of these books at this stage, though it may be best to wait until you arrive here before deciding on the advanced texts. There is a fairly brisk trade in second hand copies of these books in Oxford (and previous editions are usually very good value). Undergraduates who have finished with Part I and are specialising, for instance in Organic Chemistry, sometimes sell their Cotton & Wilkinson in a book mart scheme. Thus you may be able to pick up a second hand copy more cheaply when you arrive in Oxford. I think a reasonable policy would be to buy two or three of the books now and pick up the remainder when you get here.








